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In the Spotlight

Najarian Biomedical & Clinical Informatics Lab 
Kayvan Najarian, PhD

Using insightful bio-markers and underlying patterns extracted from raw data via signal processing, image processing, and machine learning techniques, these systems can provide real-time, on-the-fly treatment recommendations and outcome predictions at every stage of care. By assisting physicians in this manner, patient care can be improved, costs can be reduced and expertise can be provided in cases where medical experts are not immediately available. These recommendations and predictions are then communicated to physicians and caregivers via simple, effective, purpose designed user-interfaces in an easy-to-understand and interactive format, along with clear and descriptive visualizations, which communicate the computed outputs and the reasoning behind it.

Computational medicine encompasses the techniques that apply mathematical tools to extract important diagnostic information from biomedical and biological data. Data mining techniques can then be applied to train expert systems on existing data and classify new examples. The core research and development of the lab is primarily focused on developing novel mathematical techniques of signal processing, image processing, and machine learning towards developing novel solutions for medicine.

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