Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Screener (COPCS)

- Validated patient-reported classification screening tool for Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions (COPCs)
- Efficiently screens for the 10 recognized chronic overlapping pain conditions (COPCs)
- Identifies suspected diagnostic categories and the number of overlapping conditions within individuals
The Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Screener (COPCS) is a validated patient-reported classification screening tool for the 10 chronic overlapping pain conditions. It is based upon the published diagnostic criteria for each condition and uses a logic driven approach to increase the efficiency by which all 10 conditions can be assessed. The COPCS facilitates the identification of COPCs supporting the ability to conduct research on potential common mechanisms underlying these conditions and subsequent approaches to targeted interventions.
The COPCS begins with a body map to identify locations of persistent pain along with several key triggering questions. Based upon location and these triggering items, the user is administered the relevant diagnostic criteria for each condition. Questions within diagnostic modules continue until the criteria are fulfilled. The module terminates as soon as it becomes impossible to meet the criteria for a given condition. The conditions that are assessed are the following:
- Chronic Low Back Pain
- Painful Endometriosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Irritable Bowel Syndrome
- Migraine-type Headache
- Myalgic Encephalomyelitis / Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
- Temporomandibular Disorder
- Tension-type Headache
- Interstitial Cystitis/Bladder Pain Syndrome or Chronic Prostatitis
- Vulvodynia
Each condition is scored electronically and a report is generated at the conclusion of the assessment that identifies (a) each positively screened condition and (b) the number of COPCs screened positively within a given individual.
A full description of the screener, its history, items, scoring, and validation is available in the User’s Guide: Schrepf A, Williams DA, Maixner W. Chronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Screener - The REDCap Version: Users Guide, Version 11.0. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan; 2022.
ACADEMIC RESEARCH EDUCATION USE LICENSE: This license is for academic research users only. Use of this license requires authorization. Please complete the authorization request form that appears after selecting the "Buy" button below. Requests must be made from a valid academic domain email address (.edu or equivalent) and must include a description of the nature of your study and research in the license registration form including A) Institution name, B) Study Title and C) Funding Sources. Failure to provide this information will result in the denial of your request. Please note that the measure is provided as an executable .XML document intended to run as a form on the REDCap platform. End users will need to have an existing REDCap license to use this form.
COMMERCIAL USE LICENSE: This license is for commercial use of the COPCS and is intended for therapeutic trials, clinical tracking applications or other commercial use scenarios. Please note that the measure is provided as an executable .XML document intended to run as a form on the REDCap platform. End users will need to have an existing REDCap license to use this form. All materials are provided in English and any potential translation, including validation is the responsibility of the licensee and permission and licensing is on an individual language basis. The COPCS is licensed on a per study basis, to receive a quote for your setting please provide the A) number of locations for deployment, B) number of participants and C) a full listing of intended translation languages. For additional information on licensing and commercial quotes please reach out via the contact link at the top of the page.
swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)Product brochureChronic Overlapping Pain Conditions Screener (COPCS).pdfAdditional files may be available once you've completed the transaction for this product. If you've already done so, please log into your account and visit My account / Downloads section to view them.