Evan Mayday's "Good" Death: Teaching Health Professionals Collaborative Care Video

Technology No. 3182


End-of-life caregiving training
  • Learn collaborative care and creativity
  • Real patient scenario


In today's highly technological health care system there are times when the trajectory of life-threatening illness shifts from a curative focus to that of providing comfort as the patient faces death. This shift between cure and comfort is often the hardest decision process that health professionals face in their interactions with patients and families. Yet it is also one for which many are least prepared.


Evan Mayday's Good Death siteNOTE: Evan Mayday's Good Death is available in DVD format OR via digital download (.mp4 file, ~1.1 GB). Each version is purchased separately. Please click the "Buy" button corresponding to the format that you would like to purchase.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editAuthors (2)
    Linda Strodtman
    Maureen Giacomazza
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (0)
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