Generative AI Summarization for Dynamic Tracking of Clinical Symptoms

Technology number: 2024-382
Technology No. 2024-382


Digital journaling app for accurate mental health symptom tracking

  • Replaces incomplete, time-consuming retrospective reports with automated summaries 
  • Applies to mental health diagnosis, treatment tracking, clinical session optimization 


In psychiatric practice, clinicians rely heavily on patient retrospective reports to understand symptoms and environmental stressors over the past month. This method is nearly universal but has significant drawbacks: it is often incomplete and inaccurate, and the process of gathering this information is time-consuming, frequently consuming most of the clinical session. These inefficiencies can lead to misdiagnosis or suboptimal treatment plans. Given the rising demand for mental health services, there is a growing need for more accurate and efficient ways to track patient symptoms and experiences. An improved method could enhance diagnostic accuracy, optimize clinical time, and ultimately lead to better patient outcomes.


The myMindStory app revolutionizes psychiatric practice by combining digital technologies, daily voice diaries, and generative AI. Patients record a one-minute voice diary each day, responding to prompts related to their mental health condition. The app's AI component transcribes these recordings, identifies key themes, summarizes information, and detects subtle, clinically-important details, presenting all data through a user-friendly clinician dashboard. This innovation offers a comprehensive and accurate view of the patient’s condition before face-to-face sessions, allowing clinicians to focus on confirming details and building therapeutic alliances rather than gathering retrospective information. Potential real-world applications include diagnosing and tracking mental health conditions such as depression, anxiety, substance use disorders, and attention disorders. By improving the efficiency and accuracy of symptom tracking, myMindStory enhances the overall quality of mental health care.

  • swap_vertical_circlemode_editInventor (3)
    Mike Angstadt
    Aman Taxali
    Sekhar Sripada
  • swap_vertical_circlecloud_downloadSupporting documents (1)
    Product brochure
    Generative AI Summarization for Dynamic Tracking of Clinical Symptoms.pdf
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